Nov 17, 2021
We are back for part 2 of the Communicating Powerfully series! In today’s episode, communication expert Elizabeth Danziger is back to talk all things verbal and nonverbal communication. We discuss the importance of getting really conscious about how we’re showing up, some of the most common pitfalls for women when...
Nov 10, 2021
Powerful communication is essential in business (and in life)! In part 1 of this Communicate Powerfully series, we are exploring effective written communication and why it is KEY to achieving powerful business results. In today’s episode, I invite seasoned writer and pro at written communication, Elizabeth Danziger,...
Nov 3, 2021
Where have you settled into settling? Where might you need to go beyond your intention and take some action in your life? In today’s episode, I have a powerful conversation with Daniel Mangena - international speaker, best-selling author, and coach - about what it takes to step beyond intention and into action in your...